[c5ab_tabs type=”side-left”]
[c5ab_tab title=”Installing Alyoum” icon=”fa fa-cloud-upload”]
After your Purchase:
After your purchase, unzip the file you will download and upload the file valencia.zip through your wordpress admin panel.
To upload the Theme
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Appearance -> Themes[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose Install Themes tab[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose Upload mini-tab[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the file and upload it, then click activate.[/c5ab_li]
Or you can see the WordPress installation details here.
[c5ab_tab title=”Install Like Demo” icon=”fa fa-copy”]
After Installing AlYoum, we recommend to install the demo data and make it the start point for your work.
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Import the file demo.xml in Tools->Import[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Import the sidebars by loading widget_data.json in Tools->Widgets Settings Import[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Assign the Main Menu in Appearance->Menu[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In Appearance->Import/Export Options get the options code from option.txt and paste it there and click Import[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In Appearance->Theme Options Assign The Homepage and footer from the imported templates. “If it is not assigned”[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]By that you will have the demo installed.[/c5ab_li] [/c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Check list”]
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the Logo, favicon and adjust the main elements in the Theme Options[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Create the Main Menu and footer menu and assign them[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the widgets to your sidebars[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Create your Homepage and assign it.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Create the rest pf the pages.[/c5ab_li] [/c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_tab title=”General Settings” icon=”fa fa-cog”]
After installation you should see the Slides Menus added to your menu.
You can reach the Theme Options by:
In Dashboard, Click on Appearance -> Theme Options to see the main options for your theme
From the Top bar from any page in your website
On the General Settings
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Set the Logo[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Set the favicon[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the homepage[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose if the website is RTL[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Enable the preview Mode to test some colors in your website.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the email will be used in the contact us page[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add Google Analytics Code[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add Custom CSS Code if you want[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add Custom Javascript Code if you want[/c5ab_li]
Click Save Changes
[c5ab_tab title=”Styling Settings” icon=”fa fa-tint”]
In this Section, you can edit the colors and fonts of the theme.
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Set the Primary Color, Default #d64a2b[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Upload the Background and adjust it’s settings.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Primary Font “Default: Oswald”.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Body Font “Default: Open Sans”.[/c5ab_li]
Click Save Changes
[c5ab_tab title=”Social Settings” icon=”fa fa-facebook”]
In this Section, you can edit Social Accounts of your website.
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In the Theme Options Page, Go to Social[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the social media links [/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Note That if you dont want to display any of these leave it’s area blank[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”About Facebook App and Facebook Thumb”]
This to relate all facebook activities to your facebook App and the image will be used when not thumbnail available when sharing on facebook.
Click Save Changes
[c5ab_tab title=”Menu” icon=”fa fa-list-ul”]
In this Section, you can edit The Menus for your website.
To Create a Menu:
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Appearance->Menu.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Create your menu and assign it.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Icons in Menu”]
To Enable The Icons, Press on the Screen Options on the top of the page and enable css-classes, and add the class for any icon in this field.
You can access all the icons available Here
[c5ab_tab title=”Sidebars” icon=”fa fa-columns”]
In this Section, you can edit The Sidebars for your website.
Tasty comes with 6 Ready Sidebars:
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Default Sidebar: This Shows in the Search, Author or Categories Pages & Default Left Sidebar[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Post Sidebar: This Shows by default in all the Articles. & Post Left Sidebar[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Page Sidebars: This Shows by default in all Pages. & Page Left Sidebar[/c5ab_li]
To Create a new Sidebar:
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Theme Options Page, Then Sidebars tab[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Add New, then Enter the Title and Slug and Description.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Save Changes.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Appearance -> Widgets and you will find the new Sidebar there.[/c5ab_li]
To Assign Sidebar:
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Page/post Edit Page.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]You will find A Box Called General Settings below the content Area.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Layout to be Right or Left.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose your customised Sidebar for this Page/Post[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Update[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_tab title=”Slider” icon=”fa fa-picture”]
In this Section, you will learn about the slider in your website.
Alyoum comes with Ready Slides Custom Type.
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Creating A Slide”][c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In the Left menu in the dashboard you will find Slides Menu.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Add Slide.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Below the content Area you will find Box Called Slider Settings[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Type and edit the data then Click Publish.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Slides Type”]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”1- Use Featured Image as a background and the title and content as the box”][c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Image: Upload it in the Featured Image Area[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Title: Add it As the slide title.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Content: Add it in the Content[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Button: Add the text and link in the side box.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Box Position: Choose the Box Position you want[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”2- Use video fields as the source for the slide”][c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Video: at the bottom of the Slide Settings Area, Choose the type of the video[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the video ID.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Options Available for Videos: Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”3- Get the slide content from a post, Choose it from the dropdown below”][c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Post from the Slide Settings Area.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Image: Will Fetch the Post Featured Image Automatically.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Title: Will Fetch the Post Title Automatically.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Content: Will Fetch the Post Excerpt Automatically[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Box Position: Choose the Box Position you want[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Creating the slider it self.” icon=”none”][c5ab_ul]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In the Edit Page you will find a Box called Slider Settings.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Turn the Show Slider Dropdop to Yes.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Then Click Add New.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Slide from the drop down.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the slides you want and rearrange them as you like.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Publish or update.[/c5ab_li]
[c5ab_tab title=”Shortcodes Generator” icon=”fa fa-magic”]
In this Section, you will learn about Shortcodes available in your website and its generator.
AlYoum comes with 90+ Shortcodes, All fo them Available in the shortcodes Generator.
[c5ab_title apperance=”title-style-1″ title=”Using the Shortcodes Generator” icon=”none”]
In Any Edit Page you can find our little magic button, click it and the shortcodes generator pop up will appear.
[c5ab_image src=”http://carmen.code125.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-27-at-12.58.47-PM-copy.png” float=”none”]
You will find the pop with dropdown menu of all the available shortcodes, choose any ro display it’s settings
[c5ab_image src=”http://carmen.code125.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-27-at-1.02.42-PM.png” float=”left”]
Add it’s parameters and Click Generate.
[c5ab_tab title=”Builder” icon=”fa fa-building”]
In this Section, you will learn about the layout Builder in your theme.
In ANY Page Edit you will find section called: layout Builder.
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]First, Turn the Dropdown to Yes to enable the Layout Builder for this Page[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Add New[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose one of the templates you created[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Update page.[/c5ab_li] [/c5ab_ul]
Create a template
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Go to Appearance->Page Builder[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Add the template name and Click Create template.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]You will find the available shortcodes as blocks and categorizad by its usage “to make it easier to find your shortcode”[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Below the blocks you will find the layout blocks, first you will build your layout then add the shortcodes block to it[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Build your layout and click Save Template.[/c5ab_li] [/c5ab_ul]
That’s it 🙂
[c5ab_tab title=”Homepage” icon=”fa fa-home”]
In this Section, you will learn about Assigning your Homepage.
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In Theme Options -> General Settings.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]You will find HomePage Option.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose the Page you want to display as your Homepage.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Click Save Changes.[/c5ab_li] [/c5ab_ul]
Note: You will have the exact copy of the page selected in homepage.
That’s it 🙂
[c5ab_tab title=”Retina Display” icon=”fa fa-eye-open”]
AlYoum Theme is Retina Display Ready, All the images in the theme is icons and fits any retina display, to achieve 100% Retina you need to install WP Retina 2X
[c5ab_tab title=”Footer” icon=”fa fa-road”]
In this Section, you will learn about Creating your Footer.
[c5ab_ul] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]In Theme Options -> Footer Settings.[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Using the Layout Builder Method, Create a template with your footer layout[/c5ab_li] [c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Choose it from the available templates[/c5ab_li][/c5ab_ul]
Click Save Changes
[c5ab_tab title=”Translation” icon=”fa fa-th-large”]
In this Section, you will learn about Translating your website.
To translate your website, use the files located in library/languages/defauklt.po and open it using POEdit and translate the theme strings to your local language, I only supports now the Arabic translation as it is my native language, any help to translate the website will be appreciated.
After that save it and upload them to library/languages/, for example you saved it as fr_FR.po, a new file will be also created fr_FR.mo, You must upload both of them to the folder
Now open your WordPress site root and open wp-config.php and make sure that WP_LANG is like this
define('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
If your website language is supported via RTL, you should enable the rtl from the Theme Options Page.
That’s it, your website is ready for your local language.
Note: You can use PoEdit program to edit the po file.
[c5ab_tab title=”Credits” icon=”fa fa-quote-left”]
The Credits of the stuff used in this template goes to.
[c5ab_li icon=”fa fa-check”]Photos from karim Adam [/c5ab_li]
sequat nunc. In nec lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut vel odio. Quisque lacus. Etiam consectetur rutrum justo.
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ros augue, rutrum et, placerat in, euismod in, libero. Morbi venenatis, eros non gravi
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